Tuesday, November 24, 2009

global warming emails

global warming emails

Global warming skeptics were quick to pillage through emails after hackers broke into the server of a prominent British university that researches climate change.The hackers were successful in obtaining emails that allegedly prove global warming is overstated and human influence on the environment is overstated. Documents within the hacked email include discussion among researchers whether current trends could be disputed by skeptics and how to best combat those arguments.Drafts of the technical documents and photos were discovered that could spark major debates in the world of science and administrations that are promoting economic policy based on the results of that scientific theory. For those who remain leery about whether the globe is actually warming or cooling, these documents could shed negative light within the scientific community.According to a climatologist who faults the current global-warming hysteria, Patrick Michaels says, “This is not a smoking gun; this is a mushroom cloud.”However, it is revealed that the bulk of the emails were simply about how best to describe the cooling trend currently taking place and how it contradicts what researchers predicted in the past.

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