Tuesday, November 24, 2009

jennifer lopez falls

jennifer lopez falls

The American Music Awards last night had their share of "Holy @%$!" moments, with Adam Lambert (video), Whitney Houston, and Lady Gaga all making performances that have people talking and checking Youtube this morning.
Jennifer Lopez made her musical return last night as well, in a performance as notable for a miscue as for anything else. She performed her new song, "Louboutins," with a phalanx of dancers dressed as boxers.Two things about this one show that Lopez is still a star. To start with, she didn't miss a beat on the fall. That was a pretty good jump, she landed flat and bounced right back up.
Here's the difference between Lopez (a star) and me (a schlep). Lopez falls after climbing a staircase made of human beings, and literally standing on the back of a guy while belting out her notice to the world that she has returned. Meanwhile, I stub my little toe on the side of the refrigerator in the middle of the night coming to raid the fridge, and I have to call in sick the next day and I limp for a week.

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